Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trying to be Good Samaritans...

Last night after leaving the Breezy Love joy party in Chinatown, my cousin Michelle&I were heading towards the 110 back to the Valley. We were at the red light waiting to turn talking about the night's events when I noticed a white girl running down the hill. She looked confused, drugged, drunk, sad etc etc.. We weren't sure what was going on. As she ran down the hill she continued into the middle of the intersection and plopped down onto the street. Cars were driving by trying to avoid hitting her. Me and Michelle were like what the hell is going on here, whats wrong with her. So being the good gals that we are(MISTAKE#1) we decided to try and help. I pulled up alongside her and rolled down my window.."Are you ok" I asked a couple of times. The back of her head was facing me and she was sobbing and mumbling something. So I asked again, this time a lil bit louder(MISTAKE #2)"Are you ok, did someone hurt you or something, did something bad happen?" I asked these questions because as she was running into the intersection we noticed that she had a big hole ripped in her stockings and the bottom of one of her shoes was flapping, plus she just looked like something life altering had taken place. She continued to mumble as cars were driving by to see what was going on. Mind you this was damn near 2:30am and we are now in the middle of the intersection too. So Michelle decides to get out of the car to see what is up with this girl and as she makes her way around the car I asked the girl again if she was ok or needed help(MISTAKE #3) She responded in a somewhat Exorcist/Poltergeist voice either saying "I wanna die idiot!!" or "Die you idiot" either way we knew it was time to go, our good Samaritan job was coming to an abrupt end and maybe harm was coming our way now. so Michelle got back in the car and I told the girl we tried to help you as she sat in the middle of the intersection sobbing and mumbling. I mentioned to Michelle maybe she had some mental issues or was on drugs, so we decided to call 911. Surprisingly they answered right away and within 2-3mins of us giving her description and the area she was in the police arrived to find her still in the intersection. Now I'm all for helping others when they need to be helped, but sometimes it might be best to do it at a distance. Even though she was not accepting to our help, we still took it upon ourselves to do the next thing possible which was to get the authorities involved. Moral of the story is being a Good Samaritan can be a good and bad thing, but most of the time in the end it will work out for the best


  1. Be careful out there in the mean streets :-). I would love to link your blog on the Afrispora blog page! Let me know all the best and THANKS for being a good samaritans (but remember the original samaritans did not live in the contemporary United States :-)

    Signing off,

    Kwame Tumi

  2. Kwame,

    Thank you so much for the support... You can definitely link our blog on the Afrispora.

    We are now following you...
    Bloggers Unite!!!

    Blessings to You!


    follow us at
