Surrogant Mother/ Dog Rescue/ the Dog Whisper
This past week a 6 week
old pitbull puppy ended up in my care. I was thrown into the position of trying to find her a home. I already have a dog Bailey of 9 years and I was not at all prepared to take on a puppy.

I had recently went to the pound with my uncle to find him a new Dog. There were tons of PITS there, it completely broke my heart. So my life for two days became focused on finding her a home.
I had gotten kind of attached to her in that short period of time but I also knew I couldn't keep her. Then some BS went down Read "I thought you where Real" for details. To keep things positive I found her a home, (Sigh of Relief). I didn't think it would be so stressful but it all worked out for the good. She is with someone close to the family so I will be able to keep up with her.
That said, please support animal rescues.
Although they are animals they still have been blessed with the gift of life and are deserving of a lot of LOVE.
Support: Mollys Mutts and Meows, Bama Bully Rescue and your local animal Shelter.
Here are some fun Pictures of Sasha Enjoy

Get me out of the DAMN BOX!!!

Fast Asleep....ZZZZZZZZ, Behind the Scenes
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