Today I feel blessed to be an African American
It took me a couple of days to soak in the
experience at "America I Am" and how blessed I Am to Come
From such a great and fearless spiritual nationality of people
This blood that flows through my body is because of the diminished
souls that fought for my freedom .
The blueprint of the ship they displayed of my ancestors shackled from head to toe
Laying on there sides in fecal manor and urine through the middle
passage for weeks and possible months at a time
No food with a total of 294 on each level of the lower part of the boat bought Tears to My Eyes!
America would not be here today if we as a people did not create the foundation.
I will walk proudly from this day forward!! No excuses
We should love ourselves for WHO WE ARE
Not for what we wear
What kind of Car we drive
What our bodies look like
What type of jewels you rock
How many male and females we attract
But Love ourselves from the people that believed we would prosper and continue on with their FIGHT !!!
I wonder would the people of today have that drive, determination, fearlessness, strength ,capability of
going through the abuse, humiliation, teaching themselves to read when education was un available and experienced uncontrolled killings of numerous deaths of family and friends and still be able to find the strength to continue on to make sure your next of kin would be able to
live in a world of free speech and democracy .
Think about it what would you do if you were a slave and what type of fight would you have fought so your
ancestors would live in a world of opportunity.
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