Oh my so my close friend for years called me
and told me a lil story
He's confused about what he should do about his living situation
It may be a little difficult in this case
So my friend we'll call him drama because that's
all I hear from him, his life is really like a box of chocolates
So he went out of town to visit his family and left his partner
at home which he has a good understanding with
But man did she surprise his ass when he got back
She told him I know what you been doing for the last year!
I had an attitude with you because I have been listening to
your voicemail messages for over a year now !! WTF !!
I couldn't believe she was capable of listening to his messages
for a year and hold all that shit in for that long with no reaction
I know all this mans business and I'm like whoa she may be a little
crazy you better watch out for her man for real !
So now she is asking him is he still moving in with her
Now men would you now take that step moving in with this broad
or would you think she just loves you so much that all the escapades
and everything she heard over the messages wouldn't be hung over your
head once you moved in ? Since she knows you were doing your thing and
now claims to except what you bring to the table would you feel safe at night?
Could you really trust a woman that was able to be nonchalant for over a year
no reactions to your escapades until she heard one girls message that was like
Ok I have to tell him that I know what's he's been doing for the last year but she was
worried about how mad he would be and if he would stop talking to her
My reaction would have been yo look your not the man I thought you were and
I'm out this Beeotch Mister adios see you later and hell naw your not moving in !
Go live your life with Mary, Sue, Heather , Kelly and Susan.
I know you can't blame him because she was digging and found what she wanted and
he told her what did you expect you find what your looking for when you search for it
whether it be good or bad but I'm pretty sure you were not searching for GOOD NEWS were you???
So now she 's hurt crying like she should have kept her mouth shut
He's out the picture enjoying MARY SUE, HEATHER etc
He could be in the picture if he choose to be because she still wants him back !
I thought coon had the power but in this case I think the pecker wins LOL
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