Today's eye candy on this rainy day in California can warm any sista up just with one look of these pictures. He is a Brazilian model and is Madonna's boytoy I mean man LOL(I did read that they just broke up but you can believe everything you read on the net. I guess Brazil is not just known for their beautiful women, but their delicious looking men, too(I gotta go to Brazil before I leave this place LOL). His name is Jesus Luz and yes you read it right his name is JESUS LOL..maybe thats what you wanna scream while looking at these pictures. This man is gorgeous from his blue eyes, dark hair and skin and being a underwear model just makes him even hotter!! I don't know Portuguese, but I'm better sure the international language of lust will suffice HAHAHAHA. His first name is Jesus and his last name Luz means Light...which I'm pretty sure some of his conquests have seen the light after being with him LOL
Thank you LAWD for blessing the Earth and our eyes with this beautiful creature that you created.
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