We, the sistas are very diverse when it comes to our hair styles..Michelle rocks the braids, Kareen rocks the short permed cut and I rock the pressed look....we decided to write a blog about our perspectives on our hair selection since the topic of hair is such a issue for our sistas, especially our Black sistas
Ok so everyone might have an opinion on why Michelle wears braids
I wear them because I love them
I'm not into the permed hair thing which I tried
And it just not me
The weave thing I tried and that shit just too expensive
I'm black and I'm proud braids are apart of an heritage which has been depreciated or looked as an ugly thing. I LOVE IT !! YOU CAN HATE ON ME WHEN YOU KNOW MY BRAIDS IS FLY!!!!
Braids ,natural hair, nappy hair big nose big lips dark skin light skinned what the fuck does it matter people it' all beautiful !!
I wear no make up and I wear braids you wear weaves and make up expensive clothes to cover your insecurities and even if my braids ain't new I show my new growth NO PROBLEM !!
Braids represents to me strength endurance black eccentric beauty statement acceptance history labor security individual glamour !!!!!!!!!!!
So braids these days in the era of the ignorance means ghetto hood poverty and those statements are made from people the same color as me WHAT A SHAME!!
BAMBOOZLED to believe makeup plastic surgery hair implants is the BEST so you can look more like the white kind to feel more excepted by the OTHERS!!!
My hair doesn't make me my heart and soul makes me
If you judge me by my hairstyle then why do I need or care about your opinion on why Michelle wears braids!!
Until you rock braids an Afro dreads no makeup bald head cornrows don't give your opinion on beauty because your beauty has been disguised !!!
Like it or leave me alone
I won't go into a very detailed history of my hair story, but for the past 7 years or so I shed the perm and either rock my hair in its natural state; with a scarf wrapped around my head or slicked back in a bun, or pressed bone straight(thanks to my girl Val LOL). My hair is much more healthier and has grown so much since i decided to stop perming it (my girl Val told me its so damaging and my hair would never grow to its full potential). Now I've had perms, dyed my hair since the age of 15, a jheri curl when i was in elementary, braids(extension and natural) and now the press so I know the versatile styles that we sistas have available to us. I find the press for me is more healthy and my hair texture seems to be more easy to manage even when it's not pressed compared to when I had it permed; you know after a certain about of weeks that perm losses its benefits of making your hair straight and manageable and turns your hair into a nappy mess and you looking like where did that hair come from. I love pressing my hair because there are no chemicals involved and the maintenance is a lot easier than a perm, braids or weave. Not to knock anyone's choice of hair style I just love the PRESS LOL. Like I stated before my hair has grown so much(passed my shoulders) which I haven't been able to attain since I was younger when my hair was a virgin to the perm(that's a long story about the 1st perm experience). I love the fact that when I wash my hair it returns to its natural state and I can rock cornrows if I want or slick it back in a bun without having to worry about my hair breaking off or shedding from the chemicals reacting to my alternative hairstyles. One CON for me--I wish there was a way for me to wash my hair and the press would magically return (having that Asian in me results in oily hair), but if a sista has to she'll get her hair done every week or so or invest in a flat iron and use it for those in-between-appointment times (that reminds me I have to buy one LOL). For some sistas a perm is more convenient than a press if they workout constantly, can't get to the shop or afford it every 2 weeks or just like the look and feel of the perm, but from my P.O.V. I am so glad that I made the switch from perming to pressing and I think; well I should say I know that my hair appreciates it too. Like Michelle stated about her braids I feel a sense of freedom having my hair pressed because I freed my hair and body from toxic chemicals and I feel great about it.
As with most black women maintaining my hair has been a epic battle. However, I think I have found my niche with keeping it short and permed. I have tired it all, braids, pressing etc.
Several years ago at a hair salon, the white hair dresser next me, looked at me and said "perming is the liquid crack." The statement kind of threw me off and I started pressing my hair for several years after that.
Since about 4-5 years now, I have had short hair. I have kept it short because it is extremely easy to maintain. My natural hair is pretty course and there is a thin line between a short cut and a short afro. Which is why I keep it permed. I am the worse when it comes to taking care of my hair. If I'm not at the hair shop twice a month it is a problem. I also like to keep color which all leads to breakage, breakage, breakage.
Not too many sistas can rock a short hair cut. I have pretty strong features and feel like the short cut fits my face well.
Sistas have spent $$ on their hair in a lifetime what some people pay for a nice luxury vehicle. The hair budget is no joke on a monthly basis.
I found a dope hairstylist who does a mean cut. Shout out to Mesch Hair Studio's in Studio City. She has been talking about leaving to Milan in a few years. Im sure once she is gone, I'll go completely natural, twist, dreads etc.
Until then, Its all about that liquid Crack.
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