SistasntheCity had the pleasure of going to see the Broadway musical The Color Purple at the Pantages Theater last weekend. Now I have to admit I was praying that Fantasia would not call out sick(I heard she wasn't sick but called out to spend time with her man WHATEVS!!), but she was there and boy did she represent and did the damn thang. We were very excited since the time we purchased the tickets. I had been waiting to see this play ever since it first premiered on Broadway in NYC. The theater was packed. I love seeing our people supporting our people. Kareen mentioned how many white people were there, too which was funny because everyone knows what The Color Purple is about. Nonetheless there were so many people there I think all the seats were filled. The play did not exactly follow the storyline of the movie nor the book, but they put their own spin on it. The songs, music and dancing were a breath of fresh air. Not only did Fantasia sang her ass off, so did the rest of the cast. Side note---they even had a black lady conducting the orchestra WOW. I was so into the play that I could not sit back in my chair. When they did the scenes with Celie reading the letters from Nettie in Africa I felt like I was on stage with them. The music and dancing and stage effects they used were so inviting and enticing, they literally drew me in. Some people were feeling the same way as me because you could hear some shouting, answering back to the characters on stage and clapping/laughing. I love going to plays and people are so into it they become part of the show too LOL (only to a certain point now the girl talking and laughing throughout the last part of the show was annoying!!). My favorite part was the WHOLE PLAY HONESTLY....I was not disappointed at all. Now I must say that the 3 gossiping church ladies were HILARITY!! It lived up to what I had imagined in my mind!! I was so glad to have experienced such a powerful play with my girls and my cousin Juan(Shout out to him hanging with the Sistas all on his own LOL).
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