If love is what everyone is searching and longing for...why does it have to be so complicated?? shouldn't it be easy?? i guess that saying is true that some things are worth fighting for....but how much fighting is one willing to do?? you gotta take care of you first right?? so if fighting for the love is affecting you then what does one do?? LOVE is a four letter word but it is so complicated..but why?? do we as humans make it more complicated than what it is or should be?? LOVE has so many meanings depending on who you are, how you were raised, where you are from and what you believe in. Can one definition of love be the "universal" right definition for everyone?? Hell nah!! that's what make this little 4 letter word so unique and abstract. I don't know why this came into my mind maybe it was because of the love i saw between two people today; one being a new client..there love was no conventional but who's to say it wasn't to them..if I asked them what love meant to them what would be there definition? I know that it would have been totally different from mine..LOVE is just what I stated earlier...a four letter word that is so complicated.....
(image from oliviahousephotography from yahoo image search engine)
Yes i agree there is everyones definition of love that they have LEARNED growing up, or sometimes something they didnt have... Love is good. God is LOVE