Michelle and I have been doing a great job keeping up with the Winter Olympics and last night we witnessed(along with the millions of viewers around the world) Black Speed Skater Shani Davis making history again. In 2006 he made history becoming the first African American speed skater to win gold in the 1,000 meter. Last night he made history by winning back to back gold medals. We were so excited to see him skate along with South Korean's Mo Tae-Bum. Remember I wrote the post about my 2 cultures clashing??(did you read it huh? did ya??LOL). We were texting each other back and forth all night during the Olympics waiting to see the event. I felt like I was a family member or had money on the competition. Michelle and I were so excited after he won. Now we have a story to tell our children and future generations like our relatives told us about the Black Olympians who did the Black Power fist salute in 1968. Next was snowboarding. Have you ever tried it before? It's not as easy as it looks. I went two seasons in a row a few years ago and never made it off the bunny slopes. But watching the phenom that is Shaun White, who makes it look so easy you almost believe that you can do it too. This boy is so talented is ridiculous. He fell during his first run, but that didn't stop him from coming back and winning the gold medal. He did a trick called the "Double McTwist" and we all went crazy!! That was one of the craziest tricks I had ever seen. The texting between me and Michelle was crazy for about a hour HAHAHAHA(gotta love technology). Gotta say last night was a great night of history making moments. I was sad though that I missed the first Black ice skating couple in duos(they are from France).

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