But Abundantly Blessed…
Today as I was running errands, 1) check on my granny in a convalescent home (So temporary she is getting stronger every day), 2) running to the bank to make a deposit. I had some interesting conversations that I had to share.
1) I was sitting at my Granny’s bedside and was talking about how old I was. I asked her at the stage that she is (84 years) does she have any regrets. And what was it was like for her in her mid-thirties. Her answer was: During that time she was working in agriculture on the island of Jamaica and most women her age were dating and marrying men with money.
I then asked her if she could have done it again. Would she have fallen in Love with someone with Money and She Said “YES”. It reminded me of Gentleman Prefer Blondes, with Marilyn Monroe.
No Love isn’t all about the money, But is sure does help….
Here is one of my favorite quotes from the Movie:
Marilyn M: Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help?
2) I was standing at the bank making a deposit. And the teller admired my necklace that said Love… Since it was Valentine’s Day weekend it sparked a very interesting conversation .
Her and her current boyfriend had been best friends for several years before they started dating. He went without dating anyone for a year and a half before he officially asked her out. I said to her, “ I’ve always heard that they have to make the first move.” She made an interesting point. She said she was raised with a bunch of brothers and they told her “ Let a guy come to you, it takes the pressure off of them being forced to make a decision. That way once they have the courage to commit it was their conscious decision. They are more likely to stick with a decision that they were able to make without being pressured…. I found that to be so true.
She also said that to attract a partner it is always good luck to carry a Rose Quartz Crystal . That was great to know I’m on the right track, As I had one that someone gave me a while ago in my purse.
I enjoy new experiences that evoke new thoughts. I am thankful for the people that came into my life today, Shouts out to Channtal at the Wells Fargo in Oxnard. (Blessings to you!)
And Prayers to My Grannies Speedy Recovery…..
There are little Angeles All around sometimes you just have to take the time to listen …
So for those will Lovers this Valentines continue to spread the Love…
For those without just know that you are abundantly blessed . Surround yourself with friends and family that can help make You the best you that you can be. So when your Lover comes, you’ll have a lot of Love to Give.
Happy Valentine’s Day Everybody!!!
Kareen G