Last night Feb 12 I had the pleasure of going to Chinatown@The Grand Star Jazz Club to see my brother and his band Breezy Love Joy have their EP "Violets Are Blue" release party. My baby brother-Brandon aka Breezy plays the drums and does the vocals, Jose is on the guitar, Ben is on the bass, Ron is on the keys and Jason holds down the background vocals...Let me just say(some might say that I am bias) but these boys are BAD!! They are truly changing the GAME as we know it. Music is their heart and their life. From the time they wake up til whenever they sleep; which is rare they are making music nonstop. They keep on their grind for real!! Back to last night(i digressed a lil LOL). The place was packed. Breezy Love Joy is a multicultural band and so is their fan base; who are diehard fanz for realz they go hard!! The first set was was about a hour long with music ranging from Breezy originals to their takes on some classics. I swear it was like being in a R&B love fest house party complete with the bar serving drinks in plastic red cups and low lighting. No beefing or drama was allowed last night, everyone was there being breezy. Between the sets the DJ was spinning ol skool classics while showing the videos on a projector. I felt like I need a camcorder to record the event because it was like a 80s/90s house party effect going on. People were dancing everywhere, not caring about a thing in the world but the music and reminiscing about the videos being shown. Every time a song came on I had a memory about what I was doing or where I remember hearing. Even though most of the crowd was in their 20s(my brother just turned 24) they were old enough to appreciate the classic music..what music used to be and needs to be returned to. After sweating from dancing and singing along with the tracks the band made their way back to the stage. The stage was behind a bar counter that had 4-5 barstools in front of it..it was such a great intimate setting, especially for the type of band that they are; they love to interact with the crowd. Breezy Love Joy returned to bless us with "Drawers"; which is now one of my all time favs from the group, "H.A.R.T" which was the crowd fav that night and some classics. The boys were sweating, I swear I thought my brother was going to break his hand from beating the drums so hard; he had the spirit LOL. THEY DID THE DAMN THANG!!!! I felt like a mother hen watching her chicks go out into the world on their own for the first time. I am so proud of these boys and blessed to know them and their music; which is bound to revoluntize the world of music. They are what is needed to bring us back to start appreciating what music is really about; making sounds for bodies to move to and feel; words to be felt by all no matter the situation and members that people love, not hate. Breezy Love Joy is the epitmoe of its definition: "Breezy Love Joy is a mixture of Al Green and your favorite rapper. It's jazz musicianship, with a hip hop undertone, crafted from a drummer's perspective" straight from the mouth of my baby brother Brandon aka Breezy.
If you want to return to REAL music check out Breezy Love Joy TRUST YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!
FACEBOOK Breezy LoveJoy
DOWNLOAD MUSIC@www.breezylovejoy.com
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