As I sit here web browsing I was thinking who created Valentine's Day and why? What was the motivation behind this day that is celebrated around the world by people expressing their love or like for each other? How do other countries celebrate this day? Are their traditions the same as the US? So I did a little searching and here is what I found..
Valentine's Day was named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Valentine and was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496. It is traditionally a day on which lovers express their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines"). The holiday first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Valentine's Day cards came into effective during the 19th century.
As far as other countries' traditions in regards this is made up holiday..
In South Korea(where my moms was born&adopted from REPPIN LOL)women give men chocolates and men give women non-chocolate candy...so simple and inexpensive. For those that did not receive anything on Feb 14 they usually go to a restaurant on April 14; which is labeled Black Friday and eat black noodles to mourn their single life. Now this is taking the whole being single to a new level...who cares if you are single when Valentine's day rolls around on the calendar YOU ARE STILL LIKED AND LOVED BY PEOPLE YOU DO NOT NEED A SIGNIFICANT OTHER TO MAKE THAT KNOWN TO YOU.
In Brazil on June 12 they celebrate Dia dos Namorados; "Day of the Enamored", or "Boyfriends'/Girlfriends' Day". Valentine's Day is not celebrated because of the cultural and commmerical aspects surrounding it. But on June 12, they exchange gifts, flowers, etc.
I remember Rev Run(I think) saying in one of his tweets that people need to celebrate their love for one another 365 days/year round not just on Feb 14. Feb 14 is so overrated and just another way for retailers to make a killing in sales LOL..This year my husband and I decided not to partake in the usual VDay activities of calling weeks ahead to make a reservation at a restaurant that is guaranteed to be overcrowded, loud, slow service, 8 out of 10 times your food will be cold or something will be missing from your order, overworked staff looking for a big tip and drunk couples. This year we are going to the gun range!! YES i said the GUN RANGE how anti-VDay can you get. We are going to shoot at that white piece of paper known as the target like its Cupid with his arrows and bow HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! But seriously I do not want to sound like a bitter Vday lover or be viewed as "well she already has a man so she shouldn't complain", but I need the ladies; my SISTAS to know that this is just one day out of the year that some person decided to dedicate to love; that does not mean you have to partake or be sad because you are not in a relationship. Celebrate the love you have for your self and others that surround you with love year round!!
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