As a woman I have always had more male friends than women. For some reason I have always found them easier to hang with, no judgment or hating going on, just chilling and vibing with each other. Plus they have always given me the male's perspective and I give them the female's. But some people question can men and women really just be friends and ONLY FRIENDS?? I have always been puzzled by this question and when people find out that I have more male friends than females they always assume that they were once my boyfriends, gay or we had a fling or some feelings but never went to the next level. Honestly, I do believe that men and women can just be friends and men and women need the opposite sex in their life on a platonic level. One of my best friend's is a guy and we have never had anything more than that. We never even saw each other like that. Some people you just click with from the first time that you meet, either on a friendship level or romance level. This is not a game of clue shit we are all grown and know what each relationship feels like and what emotions are expected in each. Til this day most of my friends are males that I have known for years most of them beginning in high school. We call each other for advice or share stories of our relationships,life's ups and downs,news,gossip etc. I think having male friends in my life have given me a perspective of the best of both worlds. Some of my partners from previous relationships have told me that sometimes I thought like a man and could predict their moves and thoughts, but that's some of the insight I gained from my male friends that have always kept in real with me. I never allowed a fool to play me because if he was trying to run game, I could smell that shit from a mile away. Some of my male friends would call me about their chicks and would give them real talk so they couldn't get played or could find out from the gate if she was real or not. Who wouldn't appreciate a real relationship like that; where there is no pretending, faking, lies, games, he said/she said shit..just realness because the only thing that is expected is a friend that will be there til the end. The advice that we share with each other is scared; almost on a sibling level and I would never want to destroy that. So can men and women really be friends and only friends? YES if you want just that. The relationship is established in the beginning and never are the boundaries crossed and if it ever comes to that crossroad of blurry feelings and emotions, if you are truly friends like you say you are..you would weigh your options carefully and hopefully value your friendship and communicate about it. I love my male friends for life and don't know what kind of woman I would really be without them. We have helped each other grow into the adults we are and we appreciate that. So to the people that judge or question these platonic relationships you need to question what you are really about and what you have been doing to think that a man and woman can't be just friends.
Sometimes your own issues cloud your judgment of others.
Now that's real talk, real life!!
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