To Our Faithful Followers:
We would first like to thank everyone for their love and support.
Thanks You Soooooo Much!!!!
We have gotten an amazing response about our Eye Candy Segment.
We dont want to limit our selection to celebrities or people that we come in contact. This is intended to celebrate FINEEEEEEEE all over the world.
So we would like to reach out to our followers, if you come across some EYE Candy, ( at the grocery store, the library the gym, where ever) please send us a photo and details of who and why this person should be considered for our Eye Candy Segment...
Submissions will be judged on the following- sexual attractiveness, cuteness, and physique, tattoos a plus..... Please see detailed definition below...
Let's have some fun!!!!!!
email: sistasnthecity@gmail.com
The Sistas Xxoxoxoxox
PS: Eye Candy #9 is on reserve.. Wink, Hint.....
Eye Candy Defined
A common slang term for visually appealing persons or effects used to draw mass attention is eye candy.[2] The implication is that they are eye-catching in a superficial fashion, for example due to adding an element of sexuality. Like actual "candy" this addition is seen to be neither nutritious nor substantial, but rather provides a potentially addictive appeal which will sustain the attention of a wider audience, possibly despite their better nature.
The term is also used to refer to actors or actresses perceived to have been cast primarily for the visual enjoyment of the audience, e.g. for their sex appeal. Various novels, articles, and stories have used this slang term to show a physical attraction one person has toward another.[citation needed]
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attractiveness
Ohhhh LAWDY BE!!! Now Idris...that's my babydaddy/husband in my head! Man, that is a fine black man! How he goes from Stringer Bell...rough and street...to Idris Elba...Brit..I dunno...but he is definitely impressive...makes my mouth wataaaaaa! xoxo