Surrogant Mother/ Dog Rescue/ the Dog Whisper

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The Greeting (Source: http://www.tolerance.kataweb.it/eng/cap_tre/uno/esempi_tre.html)
All cultures have developed specific rituals that accompany the commencement and the termination of a social relationship. Greetings vary from one culture to another, from a nod of the head to rubbing noses, from the open hand to a variety of kisses and hugs, also in accordance with the kind of relationship in force between the persons involved in the interaction.
In Western countries, the handshake is one of the most common forms of greeting, at least between adults. When we meet people, and we offer a handshake, we communicate our willingness to come into contact with them and our preparedness to start up a friendly interaction. In olden times people used to hold out an open hand to show that they were not concealing a weapon and therefore did not wish to attack the person to whom they were holding out their hand. Animals also understand signs of friendship: for example, dogs often roll over onto their backs to show that they want to be petted – an action that also tells us that we enjoy the animal’s trust as it is exposing its most vulnerable part to us.
Let’s pause for a moment to look more closely at the social significance of the handshake. The distance that separates us from the other person is slight enough to allow us to observe his or her face from close up, to smell his/her breath and even his/her body odour. Through hand contact we admit this person into our personal space – and, naturally, the other person does the same thing for us. Skin contact involves an exchange of body fluids, in the form of sweat (there are cultures in which this exchange of fluids is reinforced by the act of spitting on the hand before proffering it).
The strength of the handshake conveys to the other an indication of our own physical energy (and there are cultural rules that associate various nuances of meaning with the various kinds of handshake). The open palm of the hand, a soft and private zone of the body that we normally keep turned towards ourselves, is offered to the other almost in sign of surrender. In this way we express mutual confidence in the good intentions we harbour in the other’s regard, and it is no accident that a handshake is the way in which we generally seal a promise.
Ok so now I realize what people mean when they say you act just like your parents
Well I figured out the clowning sarcastic me gets that shit from my mom so the other day she came to visit me and my friend pf came over so my mom start telling this brother oh wow your nice looking nice beautiful black skin nice structure you just represent a strong black man. Broad shoulders. IDRIS TYPE My friend was blushing even under his dark choc skin you know she was on point with the shit but damn she was reading him and shit damn just like me NICE MOM DUKES !!!!! LMAO
So she was like you better than that other lil negroe I seen walking down the street mind you dude live up the street and you know we be chiefing lol laughing clowning watching football so mom dukes was like
OH HE MUST BE CONSERVATIVE he walking down the street. HE MUST BE A CONSERVAGAS type nigga LMAO oh me and p was like your mom is so CLOWNING
She was like brothas can't be a conservagas type man coming to see my daughter
So when people say Mich your too mean or straight forward sarcastic if you met my moms you would be like
It’s been three weeks since 21-year-old Shamsiddin Abdur-Raheem allegedly abducted his daughter, 3-month-old Zara, from her maternal grandmother’s apartment in East Orange, New Jersey, and threw her over the Garden State Parkway bridge into the Raritan River.
On Monday, Abdur-Raheem pleaded not guilty to a murder charge which carries a possible sentence of 30 years to life in prison. Zara still hasn’t been found.
Her mother, Venetta Benjamin, is hoping and praying for her daughter’s safe return. And she also doesn’t believe her daughter is in the Raritan River.
Benjamin’s best friend and Zara’s godmother, Marie David, recently spoke exclusively to Concrete Loop and said both she and Venetta believe that if Zara were in the river, they would have found her by now, “but at this point we can only pray for answers.”
She also commented on the investigation and search for Zara:
“This issue is not being handled with the utmost importance by authorities. I believe that because she was an African-American child, this tragedy is not being taken seriously. Many things in this incident that my best friend is trying to cope with were not handled adequately from the very beginning: there was no AMBER alert issued for the missing child at the time she went missing around 4:30pm until four hours later. She was turned away when she tried to reach out for help the prior day because it was a holiday (President’s Day).”
A website has been created for Baby Zara, and it contains the latest articles and updates on the search. Marie, Venetta and her family are all in good faith that Zara will be returned home to her family and loved ones.
Zara was reportedly last wearing a pink and green Carter’s onesie and may have been wrapped in a blue sleeping bag. If anyone has seen or heard anything regarding the abduction of Baby Zara, please contact your local police or New Jersey State Police at (732) 264-4150.(sourced from www.concreteloop.com)
25 May, 05:07 PM
A Russian woman got so upset by the news that her boyfriend intended to leave her that she tied several firecrackers to his penis and exploded them, the Life.ru web-site reports.
The 33-year-old victim, identified as Alik D. had lived with the woman whose name was reported as Kira V. for about two years, but when the girlfriend started suggesting that they should marry, the man refused and said that he would rather return to his first wife with whom he had a son.
When Alik started moving out Kira suggested that they had a farewell dinner. After a hearty meal and some heavy drinking Alik fell asleep. The girlfriend tied several firecrackers to Alik’s penis and exploded them. The man was rushed to intensive care and doctors are reported to be fighting for his life.
Even if the man survives the girl will face up to 12 years imprisonment.
Tags: weird news, marriage, mutilation
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8:23 AM on 03/09/2010
Jamie Scott and her grandchildren (Photo courtesy of Free the Scott Sisters)
Evelyn Rasco has been living a nightmare for more than 15 years.
"It's torture," she sobs over the phone from her Pensacola, Florida home. "It tortures me on a daily basis."
The nightmare began on Christmas Eve in 1993 when Rasco's two daughters, Jamie and Gladys Scott, left a mini-mart near their home in Scott County, Mississippi. Their car broke down, and they hitched a ride from two young men, one of whom they knew. But later that evening, the men were robbed at gunpoint by three teenagers in another car. The robbers got away with an estimated $11 and no one was hurt, but police accused the Scott sisters of setting the victims up.
Although the young women denied having any involvement and had no criminal record, a jury found them guilty of armed robbery. On October 13, 1994, a judge ordered them to each serve double-life sentences in the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility, where they remain today.
"It is about race," says Chokwe Lumumba, a political activist and attorney who's now representing the Scotts. "I think it would be unimaginable that two white women would be in this situation."
Lumumba is now in the process of filing a request to Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, asking for clemency for the Scotts, who are not eligible for parole until 2014. He's also working to appeal the conviction, which was first denied in 1996. He says his hope is to find the two co-defendants in the case who initially testified against the Scott sisters under police pressure (and served 10 months through a plea bargain), but later recanted their statements.
"That could give life to another post conviction motion... that would be significant," says Lumumba.
But time is of the essence.
Jamie, 38, suffers from kidney failure, and according to Rasco, will likely die if she doesn't receive a kidney transplant. She says Gladys, 34, even offered to donate her own kidney, but the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC) will not allow the procedure. It also denied requests from Rasco and other family members to grant Jamie a medical release, stating an inmate must be classified as terminal or totally disabled.
"Everything's going fine right now, and she's receiving the proper care," says Suzanne Singletary, MDOC's Director of Communications.
Singletary also noted that MDOC's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Gloria Perry, and its Commissioner, Christopher Epps, are both African-American - and in the past year, have approved at least one other organ transplant.
"If an inmate requires a transplant... we tell them to proceed," says Singletary.
But Rasco, who visited her daughters two weeks ago, says Jamie has continuously received poor medical treatment while incarcerated and currently suffers from infections.
She says she's determined to free both her daughters, not only for their sake, but for the sake of their children and grandchildren.
She's getting growing support. Last month, Charles Evers, the older brother of slain civil rights leader, Medgar Evers, organized a rally outside of the Mississippi state capitol building in support of the Scotts' release.
For Rasco, it's enough to give her hope that her never-ending nightmare will soon be over.
"I'm not going to stop 'til Jamie and Gladys walk through my door as free women," says the 64-year-old. "I may give out, but I'm not gonna give up!"