Who would have thought that 3 black sistas from the 805 would go kayaking? When I first thought about this adventure I knew Kareen&Michelle would be down with no hesitation, but we were surprised by the reactions of others. Just because we are black don't mean we won't do adventurous activities. The whole reason for this adventure was for us to expand our comfort zone and try something new. Now most people don't know that when I was younger (during my "I can do anything a boy can" days) I was skateboarding, bmx biking, doing tricks on dirt piles in the fields, baseball, surfing, bogey boarding, etc etc..you name it I tried it. But as I have gotten older my love for the ocean had vanished; I turned into a germ-a-phob HAHAHA!!. Growing up in Oxnard I appreciated living near the beach and being able to go there whenever I wanted too. I think when I experienced my miscarriage I started to think about how short life is. I started thinking in my head of things I wanted to do, but never had for one reason or another (somewhat like a bucket list). I was thinking of things that would test my comfort level and boundaries, without causing me bodily harm of course LOL. I have always wanted to try kayaking but thought it would be hard, but as I researched it and saw some videos of people doing it, I knew it would be fun. Michelle, Kareen and I went to the Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard and set off on our adventure in the deep blue sea (don't ask). For $12/hr this adventure was a steal!! We each got our own kayaks and decided to leave our phones behind due to the chance of getting wet (so no pics except a pic of the kayaks sorry). Kayaking turned out to be just what the doctor ordered. I was so relaxed and seemed to be at one with nature (never thought I would hear myself saying that, but its true). I found this adventure to be so serene, yet fun and exciting at the same time. Now I am not going to act like I was a pro; I'll leave that to Michelle and her 5 hour energy drink that kicked into overdrive ;). I did manage to crash into a few docked boats LOL..But even with those mishaps I had a great time with my sistas who are always down for whatever. But its not that easy to compete with boats, current, waves and a breeze while rowing in a plastic canoe LOL..But as long as nobody ended up in the water we were fine; we succeeded. Once I got back on land I felt a sense of pride, accomplishment, happiness, and calmness. We decided to eat lunch at the Pirates Pub n Grub; which was so good!! But I bring the restaurant up, not for the food, but the innocent love we witnessed while there. There was this elderly couple having lunch and the husband was so attentive to his wife. He went to the car to get his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders to keep her warm. Then when they were leaving, he went and got her walker and helped her up. We all went "Awwww" and I looked at them with admiration and a feeling of hope, that my husband and I would be like that in our later years. But then I thought about how short life really is, but it's long enough to enjoy it, if you want too. As we waited to turn at the red light we looked over and there was the couple again in a Chrysler 300. The husband was driving and as they waited for the light to change, he reached over and rubbed his wife's leg. We all said "Awwwwww" again. The love we saw was so real and genuine, it was so touching. As I drove home alone, I thought about losing my first child and for the first time I did not cry or become sad, I thought to myself that I was blessed with the gift of life and giving life and love to another. It's funny to me how an adventure to one can turn out to be a silent reminder of what life has to offer if you are willing to accept it, come good or bad.
awwwww tear... I loved it.. wished I was able to go with yall and I hope and pray that me and mine have what that couple has.